
Monday, April 25, 2011

25 Weeks

At my six month appointment, I was given a parting gift. I had almost blocked out the orange drink that pregnant women are required to drink. The purpose of drinking this ultra sugary beverage? To test for gestational diabetes at 28 weeks. You will be given specific instructions on when and how to drink this ultra sugary beverage. This is a routine test and your doctor can answer any questions you have (I'll leave this to the professionals!). It's a good reminder why proper nutrition is so important during your pregnancy. Medical professionals will tell you that most women need an additional 300 calories per day, but check with your doctor for advice that is tailored to you. Make the most of the 300 calories by eating foods that are high in fiber, contain whole grains, and are lean proteins. A good rule of thumb is to eat a variety of colors at every meal.

Snacking is an important way to keep your energy up. Keep nuts in your purse for when a craving strikes. An apple with cheese is a great way to get much needed calcium and fiber. I love stocking up on string cheese for a great "on the go" snack. Remember to drink plenty of water since dehydration can be misread for hunger pangs.

All that being said, I still love to indulge in a sweet craving at the end of the day. All good diets have room for a sinful indulgence, right?! I just try not to over do it.

Monday, April 18, 2011

24 Weeks

In your second or third trimester, many of you 1st time mammas will be showered by your friends and families! It is an amazing way to celebrate the pending arrival of your newest addition. Several weeks before your first shower, you will want to register for all of your baby needs. This may be one of the most daunting exercises to go through during your pregnancy. What are the best brands? What are the essentials? Do you want a crib that converts to a toddler bed? Your Baby Blueprint consultants can help you design a registry that fits perfectly with your personality and lifestyle. Love to run? We can consult on top running strollers for busy city streets or quiet suburb sidewalks. We also offer the service of coming with you to the vendor of your choice! Remember to register at one store that has an online catalog for your "out of town" guests. If Aunt Suzie is throwing you a shower in her hometown, request that gifts be sent directly to your home. The last thing a pregnant mamma needs is to haul her shower loot across country!
Five nursery "must haves":
1. Clock! It seems so obvious, but both Wallis and I didn't originally have them in our daughters' nursery. It is so helpful in the middle of the night to know when you were last up and for how long.
2. Several types of swaddling blankets. The nurses will do a professional swaddle on the days your little one is in the hospital. Once you are home, you will want to try different types of swaddling blankets to see which one your little angel sleeps best with.
3. Medela Steam Sterilization Bags. Medela makes these little wonders where you are able to steam sterilize the entire bottle or pump parts in less then 3 minutes. Even if you aren't planning to nurse, these bags are great for pacifiers that the dog got a hold of or your baby's favorite teether that was dropped in the street.
4. Glider. You will want the most comfortable glider in your baby's room so you can relax while your baby snuggles in your arms eating or falling asleep. It does not need to be the most expensive, just one you'll enjoy spending lots of time in!
5. Multiple mattress pads and crib sheets. Every baby will have an accident in their crib and it will most likely happen in the middle of the night. Keep at least two sheets separated by two mattress pads on the crib. In the middle of the night, you will be able to quickly strip off the top layer and lay your little one back down on a clean set of sheets.

Monday, April 11, 2011

23 Weeks

For those of you who live in Chicago, I don't need to tell you what an amazing weekend we had! The near record high on Sunday gave everyone a taste of summer. If expectant moms are anything like me, I was also given a taste of "cankles". A combination of the heat and my weight gain made my feet, ankles, and fingers swell very quickly. Some swelling of your feet and hands during pregnancy is normal, whether it is mid-August or mid-January. To limit the swelling, drink plenty of water through out the day, limit salt intake, and put your feet up throughout the day. When sleeping, experts suggest sleeping on your left side after 4 months to maximize the circulation to you and your baby. However, if you notice extreme swelling in your face, hands, or feet, please contact your doctor immediately as this can be a sign of something more serious. Warmer weather also gave me a chance to go on a long walk outside with my family. Walking is my exercise of choice after 4 months but I love to indulge in a prenatal yoga class when time allows. Your hospital is an excellent resource for prenatal-approved pilates, yoga, and aerobics classes. Check out your hospital's website for details! All the best from Baby Blueprint! Gina

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gina: 22 Weeks Along

Firmly nestled in my 2nd trimester, I am finally starting to feel my energy return. I can stay up past 8 pm and have been able to return to one of my past loves, Top Chef!

If you are in your second trimester (beginning at 14 weeks) you are probably breathing a sigh of relief. You may feel comfortable telling your family and friends about pregnancy and can start planning for the pending arrival of your little one.

Big 2nd trimester "To Do's" are the 20 week ultrasound (where a technician will be able to tell you the sex of your baby, if you so choose) and beginning to research baby furniture. Some furniture can take up to 12 weeks to be delivered so start looking early! You may also be thinking about how and when to tell your work place about your pregnancy. Baby Blueprint advice is to wait until you are ready, but be sure to tell your manager before he or she hears it through water cooler gossip. You want to be sure your department is able to adequately prepare for your pending maternity leave.

Remember to take care of yourself! You are sleeping/eating/resting for two!